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Recipe of the week (03-05-2001)

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BasicSpelt Pizza Dough

1 cup warm water (warm to the wrist), 1 tablespoon active dry yeast, 2 tablespoons olive oil, garlic powder (optional), 1 teaspoon salt, 3 cups spelt flour If you have a bread machine, place ingredients in pan according to manufacturer's directions and set on dough. Otherwise: Mix yeast in warm water. Add ½ the flour and mix again. Add remaining ingredients and other ½ of the dough. Work into manageable dough, turn out on floured surface and knead for 5 minutes. Coat bowl with olive oil. Return dough to bowl and coat dough with olive oil from bowl. Cover with kitchen towel and let rise for 1 hour. Proceed as per your favorite pizza recipe or make a foccacia bread by adding chopped olives, rosemary and garlic, to the dough. Oil a baking sheet. Roll out the dough on the prepared sheet and leave to rise for about 1 hour, or doubled in thickness. Using your fingertips, make indentations all over the surface of the dough, then drizzle over the remaining olive oil. Sprinkle with rosemary and some coarse salt. Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden and cooked through, in a preheated (to 230 degree C) oven.

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