Vitamin Antagonists II 27 - 09 - 2001

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Vitamin Antagonists - II To all of you faithful to our rendezvous, Greetings, As promised, let's elaborate a bit on the vitamin and the mineral antagonists. Most, if not all, vitamin antagonists (all drugs and other stresses) are also mineral antagonists. A specific mineral antagonist is oxalic acid, which is present in too-large amounts in spinach, rhubarb, beets and beets greens, Swiss chart and chocolate. Oxalic acid is a calcium antagonist. Calcium binds the oxalic acid in the body in order to render this toxic acid harmless. In doing so, the calcium is unavailable for its normal uses in the body. ASPIRIN is an antivitamin. Aspirin interferes with digestive processes and can result in stomach bleeding. It interferes with blood clotting and lessens the ability of cells to absorb glucose for heat and energy. It depletes most, if not all, nutrients and results in especially high losses of Vit C & Bs as well as the minerals calcium & potassium DIURETICS are antivitamins. Diuretics are drugs prescribed medically to promote weight reduction or to relieve pressure of retained fluids. The use of diuretics result in great losses of B vitamins, Vit C, other vitamins, and the minerals Potassium & Magnesium. Diuretics would not need to be prescribed to anyone on a natural diet containing no rock salt or sea salt, as these salts are poisonous and cause the body to retain fluids to hold the salt in suspension si it does not harm cells & tissues. LAXATIVES are antivitamins. All laxatives, including the herbal types, are vitamin antagonists. Mineral oil is perhaps the most devastating laxative. It absorbs Vitamin A and carotene, as well as the other fat-soluble vitamins ( D,E,K ) It also absorbs calcium and Phosphorus, carrying them out of the body. Laxatives will not need to be used by people on a natural all-raw diet of fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts & seeds. STRESSES are antivitamins. Drugs are serious stress producers in the body because the body must exercise great effort in expelling them as quickly as possible, lest they damage tissues and cells and interfere with normal functioning. In addition, surgery, accidents, overly exhausting work or exercise, exposure to extremes of heat or cold and emotions such as fear, hatred, anger, worry & grief all produce great stress on the body. The B vitamins as well as proteins & minerals, are all depleted and/or inassimilable as a result of stresses on the body. NO vitamin can be properly utilised when the body is under stress. SOIL,AIR & WATER POLLUTANTS are antivitamins. Most people regard soil, air & water pollutants as unavoidable. But we can control completely the water we drink by drinking only pure, distilled water. T some extend we can also control the quality of air we breath by keeping the pollutants out of our homes. Foods not grown organically are " fed " ( via the soil ) synthetic chemical fertilisers which contain excessive nitrogen. This excessive nitrogen increases the crop yield, but the ultimate health cost is high- too high. According to Dr W.M. Beeson of Purdue University department of Animal Science, fruits picked green contain far higher amounts of nitrates and far less carotene than tree and vine-ripened fruits. Nitrites join with amins in the stomach, forming nitrosamines. Nitrosamins are highly carcinogenic, though not necessarily more so than other pollutants and drugs. As often and as much as possible, purchase organically grown produce and/or produce that has been fully ripened on the tree or vine. Nitrites, chlorine, fluorides, inorganic minerals and many other harmful substances found in city, spring, well and other non-distilled waters are anti-vitamins. Therefore only distilled water should be drunk Antivitamins found in polluted air, especially city air, are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, lead, ozone, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. Vitamin A & C are depleted when the body is exposed to air containing these pollutants, as is Vit E. Arsenic dust, found on commercially grown, is an antagonist of the B vit PABA. This vitamin is important for the growth of valuable bacteria in the intestines, for the metabolism of proteins, for manufacture of red blood cells and for healthy skin and hair. In conclusion; 1)The less wholesome our food and practices, the fewer usable vitamins we will get 2)The less wholesome our food and practices, the more vitamins we will require 3)The less wholesome our food and practices, the less able we are to make use of vitamins Words to ponder! See you next week, The Crazy Nut Team.

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