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Today we are discussing a sweet subject..SUGAR !!! Here are some facts we would rather not know: Sugar, all sugars, including Honey, Brown sugar, Corn syrup, fructose, etc.. have the same detrimental effects on our health as hard fats they 1) make platelets ( a blood component, which helps with the clotting of blood ) more sticky, 2) interfere with insulin function, 3) interfere with essential fatty acid functions. In addition, sugar damages teeth, feeds bacteria, yeast, fungus and cancer cells, interferes with vit C transport, thus the immune system. Sugar can increase adrenaline production up to 4 times, speed up ageing, and pull calcium as well as chromium and other minerals from the body. All sugars provide quickly absorbed calories that must be rapidly converted into hard fats in order to prevent the toxic effect that "sweet" overload would otherwise have on our bodies. It is virtually impossible to live in today's society, in the city, and not consume some sugar. In order to make the right choices here is a break down of the different sweeteners and their "virtues" and "drawbacks". REFINED SUGAR, constitutes one of the most damaging of the so-called food modern society imposes on itself. It is highly concentrated and overloads the Pancreas and the Adrenal Glands to the point of break down, causing Diabetes or Hypoglycemia [remember that refined carbohydrates such as white flour, white rice and white pasta products are converted into simple sugars in the digestive tract and will place a similar burden on the Pancreas (which releases Insulin into the blood stream and lowers the blood sugar level) and the Adrenal Glands (which secretes Adrenalin into the blood stream and thus brings an elevation in blood sugar levels)] Refined sugar, being depleted of it's fiber (which would slow down the absorption of sugar) and having no nutrients, gets absorbed almost immediately into the blood stream, creating a sudden elevation in blood sugar levels (We feel more energetic). That is when the Pancreas has to send Insulin to control the sugar level in the blood BUT having poured so much Insulin into the blood stream, the sugar level now drops below the acceptable level (When we feel "low" and lethargic) That is when the Adrenal glands move into action and send Adrenalin in order to raise the blood sugar back to normal. For the average person today, this yo-yo scenario is repeated between 5 to 15 times per day, whipping the Pancreas & Adrenal Glands every time sugar is ingested. Eventually, with time, either the Pancreas or Adrenal glands give in making us feel victimized by ending up with Diabetes or Hypoglycemia. FRUCTOSE or fruit sugar is 1/3 x sweeter than cane sugar. Unlike sugar, fructose is released slowly into the blood stream via the liver (cane sugar gets directly absorbed into the blood via the intestine) because of that, it does not create wild surges in the blood sugar levels. Therefore, fructose is easier on the Pancreas & Adrenal glands. Fructose is still a highly refined product and should also be used with caution. BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES is the richest in nutrient of the sugar-related products. It contains more calcium than milk, more iron than eggs, more potassium than any food, and is rich in vitamin B's, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, panthotenic acid, inositol and vitamin E. Again, it is highly concentrated and one should not consume more than 1 tablespoon per day. HONEY when bought in a jar should be watched for adulteration such as, anti-biotic (used to control hive disease), corn syrup added to the honey, honey that is heated over 36 degrees C and thus loosing the benefit of enzyme and propolis. HONEYCOMBS are the best way to take honey because it is in its purest form. Honeycombs are a reliable complete food rich in fiber (thus releasing the sugar slowly into the bloodstream) Honey is rich in Protein, Minerals, Enzymes, vitamins B1, B2, Niacin, B5, B6, Folic acid, C, Beta Carotene and traces of vit E. Again, remember that it is a highly concentrated food and should be used in moderation. IN CONCLUSION: All the above sugars, although some have "food value", are all too concentrated. Physiologically the human race is classified as fruitarians. Fruit supplies our body with abundance of minerals, sugars, vitamins, and, in the case of some of them considerable high-grade proteins. Of all the foods that we eat, fruits are the best in every respect. In itself, fruit is perfect. It requires no preparation of any kind than cleansing, coring or peeling. It is the easiest to digest and along with nuts and seeds, promotes an abundance of health and energy.

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