The Different Stages of Disease 03 - 05 - 2001

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The Different Stages of Disease Actually there is only one disease, no matter how it manifests itself. And the disease, which is called constructive disease, is occasioned by the body itself and is known as a crisis toxemia or healing. There are several stages of disease. The underlying cause of disease in all stages is toxemia. Although toxemia may arise from many sources, it basically exists because of insufficient nerve energy to sufficiently eliminate exogenous poisons and body wastes. Toxemia is not broad enough term to cover the whole poisoning process for it means poison in the body. Actually toxicosis exists. Tissues, cells and intestinal spaces are also toxic-laden. In short, the whole body is toxic. Diseases present many different aspects because they evolve with the progressing deterioration of the organism that suffers them. Disease has 7 distinct stages. These stages correspond to the distinct differences of each stage of evolution. 1) ENERVATION. The first stage is not even recognized by the doctor as a disease. Most people call it nervous exhaustion. It is a state in which the body is not generating sufficient nerve energy for the tasks the body must perform, or the tasks the body must perform may be greater than the normal nerve energy supply can cope with. The body becomes impaired and generates less nerve energy ( resistance ) and the person becomes nervously exhausted. Sleep regenerates nerve energy to the brain and nervous system. If nothing is done to rectify the matter, the body starts going downhill to the next stage. 2) TOXEMIA. When toxic substances from whatever source saturate the blood and tissues, the lymph system and intertitial fluids, then the condition of toxemia and toxicosis exist. As functioning organisms, we generate a tremendous amount of toxic by-products. We generate enough carbon dioxide to kill us within a few minutes. If our lungs failed to function, carbon dioxide build-up and lack of oxygenation would overwhelm us quite quickly. There are trillions of cells in the human body. Tens of billions of these expire every day. They are replaced by new cells. The old cells are broken down by LYSOSOMES, enzymes that reside in a little organelle within the cell itself. Upon cell death, these enzymes break down the cell into many smaller components ( cell debris ) for elimination. Some of these components, such as iron, protein and amino-acids are recycled by the body. Some 95 % of the body's iron needs and 70 % of it's protein needs are met by recycling. Certain others needs of the body are also recycled. Other components of the decomposed cell are the RNA and DNA. These are toxic while in the system. If they accumulate ( as they do in most humans in today's society ) a condition of intoxication exists. At some level of intoxication we begin to experience the next stage of disease 3) IRRITATION. Most of us pay this stage little mind. When we feel itchy, jumpy, uneasy, or when we have bothersome but not painful areas, irritation exists. Tickling of the nose is a form of irritation. Collections of mucus along the mucus membranes irritates, although it is not painful. Any toxic material, be it salt, caffeine or condiments will irritate or stimulate. This is a condition wherein the body sets in force its defensive mechanism and accelerates its internal activities. Unfortunately, this often makes us feel good or hyper or even euphoric. If the causes of enervation / intoxication / irritation remain in force and the body can't cope then it will initiate a responsive crisis. 4) INFLAMMATION. That is the stage when a doctor recognizes a pathological disturbance. That is also when the person is aware of a problem because it involves pain. It also involves bodily redirection of vital energies. The intestinal tract is closed down. Energies are directed to the massive effort to cope with a severe condition of intoxication. The toxicants have usually been concentrated in an organ or area for a massive expulsive effort. The area becomes inflamed due to the constant irritation of the toxic materials. When inflammation exists we are said to have an "ITIS" appendicitis, tonsillitis, hepatitis etc..( note that the "itises" just cited are all due to overburdening of 4 different organs of purification and elimination ) Inflammation is the body's most intense effort to cleanse and restore itself. The next stage is destructive and degenerative. 5) ULCERATION. By now a staggering amount of cells and tissues are being destroyed. Physiological systems are wiped out due to the body's inability to live in an unceasing toxic media. Where tissue is destroyed there remains a void. An example is a canker sore in the mouth. Lesions or ulcers can occur in other areas of the body also. These conditions are often intensely painful, for they are exposed nerves. While the body may use an ulcer as an outlet for extraordinary toxic buildup thereby relieving itself, it will heal the ulcer if causes are discontinued, or if the toxicity level is significantly lowered. This process of repairing the damage, is like patching up pants with holes in them, this stage is called 6) INDURATION. This is the hardening of tissue or the filling in of tissue vacancy with hard tissue. Scarring is a form of indurations but in this stage of disease, there is direction and purpose in hardening. The space is filled, and the toxic materials that threaten bodily integrity are encapsulated in a sac of hard tissue. The hardening of the tissue around them seals off the ulcer and the toxic materials. This is a way of quarantining the toxic material, often called tumor formation. It is this condition that is diagnosed as cancer, nineteen times out of 20 when in fact, no cancer exists. Induration is the last stage during which the body exerts intelligent control. Should the pathogenic practices which brought matters to this stage be continued, cells and tissue systems go wild. They survive as best they can on their own. Cells become parasitic- living off the nutrients they can obtain from the lymph fluid but contributing nothing to the body economy. They have become disorganized. Their genetic encoding has been altered by the poisons. Thus they are not capable of intelligent normal organized action within the context of a vital economy. This stage is called. 6) CANCER. This is the end point of the evolution of disease. Cessation of causes and indulgence of healthful practices may arrest it, for they can so revitalize the body that they may even destroy the cancer cells. People sometimes ask when cancer begins. This might be with the first cold or rash of childhood. The first crisis a baby endures begins the pathological chain that can lead to cancer. This evolutionary chain begins then because the phenomenon of life is one constant violation of the laws of life from beginning to end.

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