This weeks feature - Skin Structure

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Skin Structure 27 - 02 - 2003

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Skin Structure Warm Greetings, Another week has past and we trust that it has been a good week for you. Before continuing our letter, here is a feedback on the subject of microwaves and plastics: Don't use plastic for heating foods in the microwave because of exposure to dioxins-Disputed! ATT: ELISE After a google search "Microwave Dioxin Plastic" it would appear that there has been a email flooding the net (the one on channel 2 by a doctor from castle hospital) I have found numerous references to this email a few call it a hoax.It would appear that Plastic Containers made for SPECIFIC microwave use are safe. The only reference to PLASTIC WRAP & the release of dioxins seems to have something to do with a certain compound found in PLASTIC WRAP that adds flexibility to the product. Regards Lindsay Today we will have a closer look at the structure of the skin. It makes no scientific sense to palliate symptoms of a malfunctioning skin by applying remedies per se. The skin is a living part of a complex whole. It must be fed through over 112651 Km of channels by blood that is replenished from a common pool and which feeds the whole of man. The skin's outward appearance and condition reflects how well the total operation is proceeding and when it is sick, the entire body, likewise suffers. To solve the skin's problems we are required to answer the multiple needs of the entire body through total nutrition. In humans the skin is well defined. Its membranous and cellular texture covers the whole external surface of the body. It serves to surround and hold its contents together. It continues over the lips, and up the nostrils proceeding into the innermost parts of the body. The same membrane proceeds from the lips into the mouth and lines all that organ's cavities. It covers the tongue and glands and extends also to cover and line all the parts of the throat and windpipe. It leads to and through all the innumerable sacs of the lungs, lining the airways of the organ, branching so extensively therein that it presents a surface equal to and perhaps even vaster than the whole of the external body visible to the eye. The external skin thus gradually fades into the internal but both represent a continuum, a melding together of sudden changes both in composition and functions. The skin proceeds down the esophagus and into the stomach and through the whole of the intestinal canal. It lines all the ducts and tubes, which open into that organ for purposes of servicing and feeding. It also lines all the cavities and organs in the body in a continuous and amazingly intricate network of extremely small meshes through which countless numbers of infinitesimally small capillaries, as many as 180 per 2.54 square centimeter, wind in and out providing channels of blood and lymph as they course through and about the body performing their many and diverse duties. The multitudinous numbers of nerve tendrils also wind their own way within and without the membranous meshes and so numerous are those filaments of nerves and vessels that it is impossible to puncture any part without harming one or the other or both in the process. All part of this amazing network of skin cells must be both serviced and protected so that they can continue to function efficiently as defending and enclosing entities while all the while synergistically working as a single confining unit within and incorporated living system. Through this vast network, internal man has contact with his external world. Through it and by means of its many passages must enter everything intended to become a part of it or which is intended for elimination from, the human body. It houses and contains, confines and molds, give structure to all organs, systems and parts resident within the body, including over 112651 Km of channels and tubes. And, in the whole of it, there is no cleavage or break. It acts as a barrier to physical agents, chemical poisons, and other agents such as insects, molds, bacteria, and other parasites, which might have deleterious effects on the body tissues and fluids, including the blood. Makes one think doesn't it? Until next week, same time same place... The Crazy Nut Team P.S. If you have missed any of the previous articles and would like to read them, please visit our archives at

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