This weeks feature - "Reasons for Epidemics"

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Reasons for Epidemics 05 - 11 - 2003

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Reasons for Epidemics Good Day Everyone, Today we will look at the reason for epidemics and, hopefully, lift the veil of misconception. Of course, it is entirely up to you to decide which version is, in your opinion, the most logical one. All I am doing is showing you the "Life Science" concept of health and ill health. Here goes.. " Modern mass sickness is basically the result of the debilitating lifestyle and eating habits of the majority of the populace. In 1948, a polio epidemic was proven to have dramatically stopped when decreased sugar consumption was encouraged by mass media campaigns. Of course, vested interests soon reversed the trend by convincing the public to go back to the old habits. Epidemics are triggered by mass debilitating and prostrating influences, such as prolonged temperature or humidity extremes, great and general worry, fear, grief, and anxiety (war, panic). The most enervated and toxaemic people are the first to get sick. Advocates of vaccination have never attempted to explain why it is often those who have been vaccinated who are the first to get sick, or who often contract the most virulent forms of disease. The first colds of early winter are not "cought" from someone else with a cold, but are developed by those who have been improperly living and eating. The added stress of cold temperature further checks elimination, adds to the general toxaemia, and thus precipitates a crisis. The most severe diseases develop in people who carry a greater amount of putrescent poisoning, and are more prevalent after holidays and feast days. The enervating excitement and indiscriminate overeating at these times produce the inevitable unwelcome results. Why does toxaemia cause typhoid in one person and pneumonia in another? Dr Shelton says that the answer will have to be found in the laws of heredity, nutrition, and environment. Those tissues offering least resistance to the toxins are the first affected. The more virulent diseases result from the poisonous toxins in the host. Toxins resulting from the protein putrefaction are more virulent than those from carbohydrate fermentation. Flesh foods produce more virulent toxins than plant proteins. There is also a difference in the virulence of poisons produced by different animal proteins, and in various vegetable proteins. Dr Shelton says that he believes, for example, that tonsillitis is the result of the less virulent plant toxins, while diphtheria results from the more virulent animal toxins. In both these diseases, there is decomposition in the intestinal tract, which may also sometimes cause pneumonia or meningitis or typhoid or other symptoms of disease. Why is it that some people who are exposed to those in the throes of these crises subsequently are also "laid low" while others are not? People who have maintained an internal state of cleanliness through correct habits of eating and living do not need the disease process because it cannot develop unless the toxic conditions for disease exist. As previously indicated, different diseases are different symptom complexes arising out of reduced nerve energy and increased toxicity. Habits of living that waste nerve energy result in inhibition of secretion and excretion - and the consequent self-poisoning. The part of the organism laden with toxins is the first to react, but the effect is general - all the organs and structures of the body suffer the impaired effects. We will leave it at that for today! Next week we will continue this thought provoking article. Wishing you the Best of Health, Elise

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