Pumpkin Seeds

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About Pumpkin Seeds

Consumed increasingly all over the world, pumpkin seeds have become popular for their delicious nutty taste, but even more so for its health advantages.

Pumpkin Seedes must be shelled before consuming. This is a difficult task and it is therefor preferable to buy them ready shelled.They are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese. The omega-3- fatty acid DHS which is important in the development of unborn babies is also contained in pumpkin seeds. "Cucurbitin", an amino acid found in pumpkin seeds paraluzes anfd expels intestinal worms. "Betasitosterol" is quite unique in pumpkin seeds and improves bladder function as well as strengthening the prostate function in men.
Pumpkin seeds are also "anti-ageing" and induce sleep if taken when resting.

This wonderful health-snack can be eaten as is, or can be used to sprinkle over your favourite dish.
My mouth is watering right now.

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