Infinite Small Hello, I trust that you had a good week and I hope that you are finding the articles in the newsletters enlightening. Without further ado, let's carry on exploring the world of the "infinite small" " Bacteria are ubiquitous - they are with us all the time. Life on this planet would be impossible without them. Specific "disease" bacteria are commonly assumed to be the primary cause of specific diseases. These much maligned micro organisms are, in truth, friends and scavengers that need nourishment to reproduce, they go into action immediately when there is a dangerous accumulation of toxic materials which is threatening body integrity. They perform the useful function of "cleaning up the mess" and then resume their more passive state, after their work is done. There is no denying that bacteria are intimately associated with serious diseases. They contribute secondary and tertiary complicating factors. They elaborate certain powerful toxins. They have factors, which add to the primary cause. There is no denying the importance of bacteria in the evolution of disease. But they are not the fundamental and primary cause, as so many people believe. It is the disease condition that creates an environment favourable to the mutation of bacteria into those associated with that particular "disease," and favourable to their proliferation and increasing virulence. The disease condition springs from improper living that begets toxicosis. There is no denying that the disease process, the work performed by bacteria as scavengers is unpleasant and exhausting to the host, but is necessary for the preservation of health and life. After the cleansing is complete, the organism again makes its energies available for normal activities. Disease is a process of physiological and biochemical changes within the body, producing certain signs and symptoms, which we label as specific diseases. When diseases are categorised as communicable or infectious, it is not really meant that the disease, per se, is transmitted from one person to another. The concept actually is that an assumed cause of disease - virus, bacteria, etc.. Is transmitted. But disease is the result of many intoxicating causes. The actual process of disease (the fever, the inflammation, etc) is the action initiated by the body to purge itself of toxic accumulations. But the causes, the processes, and the effects have the appearance of being intermingled. Toxicity causes change in the processes of the body. These changes result in other changes as the body tries to cope. The situation becomes extremely complicated, with constant interaction between causes, processes, and effects. But this should not discourage our attempt to discover and pinpoint the fundamental causes of disease. Our concept is that disease is the result of enervation - due to the bankruptcy of nerve energy, expending more than we are capable of regenerating. The general energy level diminishes and functional efficiency deteriorates. We evolve into a state which we call toxicosis - a condition of body saturation with toxic matters. Toxicosis implies a disturbance of the blood and tissue fluids, and the accumulation of toxic by-products of metabolism. In recent years, studies of biochemical pathology have shown this disturbance within the homeostatic mechanism of the body, caused by the accumulation of toxic substances. The causes of disease are multiple and related to all the facets of our existence - nutrition, exercise, rest, mental and emotional factors, relationships with other people - all of life. The most significant causes are those that are related to our fundamental biological needs. Those relating to our mental and emotional life complete the local picture. Most of the causes of disease are within the control of the individual." That is it for today. Take care and have a wonderful week. Elise