Home Pollution 17 - 05 - 2001

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Home Pollution (10-05-2001) Today's subject is something we seldom explore but is, nonetheless an important part of our well-being. HOME POLLUTION. The material I am quoting is by the well-known life scientist T.C.Fry. Most modern homes are very polluted places. People who smoke deliberately and knowingly are poisoning their environment, but most forms of pollution are unintentional, even unknown. Cleansers and detergents are used heavily in almost all homes. All of those substances are poisonous although some exude almost no odor and are called "biodegradable" or "ecological-friendly" cleansers, detergents and soaps. Polishes, waxes and other household items give off a large amount of gases. Whether pleasant or unpleasant they are usually poisonous. Aerosols and sprays have become widespread in their use in our home. Even "foods", such as artificial creams, toppings etc.. come in aerosol containers. The vaporizer is usually a fluorocarbon and / or vinyl chloride. Both substances are toxic and a highly toxic material is used to thin these substances to make them aerate or expand when pressure on them is relieved. Chlorine is a deadly poisonous element. During World War 1 it was used as a weapon. Even though chlorine is dilute in city water, we can still taste and smell it. In bleaches and some other compounds that are frequently used in laundering and cleaning, high concentration of chlorine is usually released. Oven cleaners are particularly toxic. They are designed to dissolve grease and to act as a solvent for other debris on enamel. Their fumes are particularly toxic. Cosmetics are also a big source of pollution in some homes, especially hairsprays and products containing fluorocarbons. The substances sprayed are usually very toxic in themselves, for they have copolymer residues of vinyl acetate and are toxic when inhaled. Fumes from cosmetics that are in contact with the air may smell pleasant but are also toxic. Deodorants and anti-perspirants are used excessively. They are used in minute amounts and the basic ingredients are quite toxic. They consist of a formulation of drugs designed to inhibit the body's secretory functions. This inhibition of body functions occurs because the deodorants are so toxic that the body keeps skin pores closed lest absorption of the toxic drugs occur. ( Healthy people do not need deodorants because they emit relatively non-malodorous smells ) I think that this is enough bad news for one day. Next week we will conclude the chapter on home pollutions.

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