This weeks feature - Hair II

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Hair II 06 - 08 - 2003

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Hair II Warm greeting on this cold day, Without further ado, lets see what else we can learn on something we take so much for granted! Variations in pigmentation amongst those of European ancestry causes the hair to exhibit a wide range of colour, from light blond to various shades of red to black. Hair grows on the body where protection is needed. It serves to protect the head area where is housed the control center for all metabolic activity within the entire organic community. It protects the individual from the heat of the sun and from the cold of nights and frigid winters. Body hair helps to retain the heat of the body. When located in ingress passageways as, for example, the nose and ears, the hair prevents the entrance of foreign matter into the nose, lungs, ears and other possibly accessible parts. The hair on the head helps to preserve the brain and nerve centre from shocks, injuries, and irritation from harmful external influences; from blows, for instance. The hair is an organ of touch. It is extremely sensitive and responds quickly to danger. Hair has been observed to stand on end from fear, anger, or when the head has been dealt a blow. Extremes of heat are believed to induce more rapid growth of the hair than moderate temperatures. This may be due to a kind of incubating effect. Dr St. Louis A. Estes gives the following analysis of hair substance: Carbon – 50, Oxygen – 20.85, Hydrogen – 6.36, Nitrogen – 17.14, Sulphur – 5. And goes on to point out that blond hair contains lesser amounts of carbon and hydrogen and greater amounts of oxygen and sulphur. Brown hair, on the other hand, has more carbon and a small amount of oxygen and sulphur. Interestingly enough white hair contains high quantities of calcium phosphate. In white hair the pigment ratio is reduced and the pigment replaced by tiny air bubbles. Disorders of the shaft or follicle can cause either of two extremes; abnormal growth of the hair or abnormal or premature falling of the hair. The latter is often incorrectly, we believe, attributed to the aging process and should, more properly, be attributed to a failure to nourish and take care of the hair. Sometimes fungi, which embed themselves in and around the mouth of the follicle, can give rise to a variety of hair diseases. Small crusts can form which slought off; or lesions, as in ringworm, can develop and become annoying and very itchy. Minute insects and mites can take up residence, not only in the hair on the scalp, but also in pubic hair. Dull or dry hair can be caused by malnutrition, but also by physical or chemical agents. Chemicals used in permanent waving, or many shampoos and lotions, especially those, which contain alcohol or free alkalis, can cause these conditions and can also give rise to itchy rashes and pimples, some even with pus. Alcohol is an offensive agent to all skin surfaces. It can penetrate the outer membranes of the cells very easily and destroy them. When the body becomes excessively hairy, it is often, but not always, a response to a need for protection from the elements. In a few cases, excessive hair growth has been traced to a tumor on an adrenal gland or to some malfunctioning of another of the endocrine glands, specifically, the pituitary, the thyroid and/or the ovary. To be continued……… Until next week, Stay warm and well,

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