Grapeseed Oil

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About Grapeseed oil

Firstly, Grapeseed oil is a polyunsaturated oil and is great for cooking but is mostly used in salads.
Grapeseed is the only foodsource or oil with 68-76% linolenic acid which is an essential fatty acid that our body needs but does not produce itself. Linolenic acid is the most effective substance for the reduction of blood cholesterol levels. What happens is that LDL(bad) cholesterol levels in your blood is reduced and HDL(good) cholesterol levels in the blood are increased.
There are many other benefits that can be derived from taking a tablespoon full (which contains almost the complete daily allowance of vitamin E) of grapeseed oil per day. These include the antioxidant effect it has in tissues and growing evidence that it prevents cancer
It is also used as an antioxidant for the treatment of circulatory disordes such as Arthero sclerosis. It is also said to be good for the treatment of varicose veins.
The bioflavinoid complex responsible for these benefits also do a few other things such as enhanced immune resistance, improving vision, reducing skin aging and loss of elasticity and crossing the blood/brain barrier and protecting the neural tissues.
It is completely safe
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