This weeks feature - Eyes II

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Eyes II 10 - 07 - 2003

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Eyes II Hi, Here we are again. Yes another week has passed and we hope it was a good one for you. We are still on the subject of the eyes: The most common problem is near-sightedness, or myopia. This means that the eyes cannot focus properly on anything beyond a certain distance, and can only see objects that are "near"- hence the term, near-sightedness. Interestingly enough, near-sightedness most generally occurs in children and gradually worsens until around the age of 20 or so. Why is this? Some researchers have speculated that the diet may be a clue in the myopic mystery. In the Pennsylvania Medical Journal, Dr Hunter J. Turner singles out soft drinks or carbonated soda water as the No 1 cause of near-sightedness in children. The carbonic acid in these drinks is one of the worse enemies of the eyes, and Dr Turner believes he has discovered a strong link between soft drink consumption and the incidence of near-sightedness. The good news is that near-sightedness can be overcome by proper eye exercise. Among children, the results are especially impressive. Many far-sighted people have corrected their condition by not wearing glasses. In other words, they regularly exercise their eyes and try not to rely on any "crutches" or aids that might hinder their progress. Exercising the eyes and following an optimum diet are effective and harmless ways to improve the vision. Cataracts are a common abnormality among older people. A cataract is a cloudy or opaque area in the lens of the eye. In advanced cases, the lens may be completely covered by a milky-like coating. Eventually this coating becomes so heavy that light can barely enter the eye, and vision is seriously impaired. Cataracts formation occurs as the protein fibres in the eye lens starts to coagulate with age. As the fibres harden, calcium deposits starts to occur in the lens, which gives the cataract its milky, opaque colour. You can think of a cataract as almost like an "arthritis of the eyes" because inorganic calcium deposits play such an important role in both these degenerative conditions. Inorganic calcium comes from mineralise waters, cooked foods, and of course, dairy products (Calcium becomes "inorganic" when the food in which it is present are subjected to high heat. Inorganic calcium is also found in mineral water and in all calcium "supplements") What types of foods build healthy eyes? Carrots? Cod liver oil? The answer is: none of these. There is no one single food or one single nutrient that insures good eyesight. Nutrition for the eyes is basically the same as good nutrition for the body. Which foods destroy the eyes? Here are your eyes biggest enemies: dairy products, meat, sugar, alcohol, smoking of any type, white flour products, heated fats and oils and all processed and adulterated foods. Besides optimum food, eyes require exercise and rest. Our eyes also deserve the best lighting possible. Harsh and direct lights do not allow the eyes to rest or relax. Fluorescent lighting is particularly hard on the eyes and soon tires them. Vision is one of our most precious senses. To keep your eyes at their peak throughout your life, follow the diet of chiefly raw fruits and vegetables, exercise the eyes, rest them, and stay free from stress and destructive habits. Your eyes will serve you well as long as you follow the teachings of healthy living. The Crazy Nut Team

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