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Eyes 03 - 07 - 2003

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Eyes Hi There, We hope that you found the article on teeth interesting. Today we will see what "Life Science" has to say about the eyes. What causes a person to be near-sighted or far-sighted? Why do so many older people require glasses? What is astigmatism? What are cataracts and how are they caused? Poor eyesight and vision problems affect almost every person alive today. Most of these problems could be prevented if the causes of poor eyesight are understood. Let's look at the most common complaints about the eyes and sight. Your vision often seems to deteriorate, as you grow older. People that never wore glasses in their early years often succumb to using reading glasses around the age of 50. Does the power of vision naturally falter with passing years?. Yes and no. Your eyes can focus on both faraway and close by objects because the lens of the eye can be "stretched" The lens itself is composed of a strong, elastic capsule of pertinacious fibres. Ligaments attach to the lens, which allow it to be contracted and relaxed. As the lens changes shape by the ligaments pulling on it, the eye adjusts so that it can look at both objects in the distance and those that are close up. As a person grows older, the lens loses its elastic nature and becomes more and more solidified. This is probably because the protein composing the mass of the lens becomes denatured. As the lens loses its elasticity, it can no longer quickly adjust in its focusing. Around 45 or 50 years, the lens can only move about 1/8th as much as it could at birth. Finally with advanced age, the lens of the eye loses all elasticity and remains permanently fixed and focused at one distance. This condition is called "presbyopia" and it simply means that the person has reached a stage where each eye remains permanently focused at an almost constant distance. The distance that the eye continually focus on depends upon the physical characteristics of the person's eyes What this means is that a person may be able to see moderately well for objects that are 1 to 9 meters away, but cannot read or see distant objects without glasses. Although similar to "farsightedness" or "nearsightedness", the condition known as presbyopia is strictly speaking not the same. This vision problem affects only the older segment of the population, and occurs as a result of gradual deterioration instead of any congenital defect. If the body is unencumbered by toxins, stress, or disease, then it can rebuild its weakest parts- including the eyes. If, however, the individual is in the state of toxicosis or is leading an unhealthy lifestyle, then the body never has a chance to revitalise the eyes. Instead, all the body's energies are directed simply toward keeping itself alive. A man or woman who lived a thousand years ago would find the 21st century to be a very strange place. The first thing that such time traveller would notice is that about 1 out of every 2 walking around his pieces of glass tied together and strapped across the nose. We call these things "eyeglasses" and we take them for granted. But are they natural? Going through life with a pair of glass lens perched atop your nose or stuck onto the eyeball itself (contact lens) is the same as using crutches or a cane to walk around with. Why are there so many "vision cripples?" To be continued next week. Until then look after yourselves. The Crazy Nut Team

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