Elimination 07 - 06 - 2001

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Elimination One, not so socially accepted subject and yet absolutely vital to survival and health , is the subject of ELIMINATION. ( the information is based on the teachings of T.C.FRY ) The human body consists of approximately 125 trillion cells, which live together, in harmony. Cells live both for themselves and for the welfare of the organism of which they are part, and they are specialized into tissues and tissue organizations that perform services for every other cell and cell organization throughout the organism. With this in mind let’s consider an important essential of life: BODY CLEANLINESS. Most people will not tolerate filth on the outside of the body and keep themselves impeccably clean. However, few of us remember the importance of internal purity. The mere physical presence of pollutants clogs and interferes with body processes. They can be compared to a crowded street hampering automotive traffic. The sum total of all the processes whereby the body is cleansed or kept pure is called ELIMINATION or DRAINAGE. Elimination is the sequel of feeding or alimentation. Ideally the body must eliminate the unusable debris from food ingestion, spent cells, the waste of metabolism and extraneous substances that may be admitted in some way. The more thoroughly elimination is effected, the purer is the body. Eliminative processes in the body never cease. Every exhaled breath is an act of elimination of toxic gasses. The skin exudes some small amount of waste continuously. The body passes through rather distinct cycles daily. These are roughly as follows: 4:00am to 12:00 am eliminative ( body rejects accumulated waste ) 12:00 am to 8:00 pm alimentary ( nutrients are taken in ) 8:00pm to 4:00am assimilative ( digestion is taking place ) This information comes from studies made in Switzerland. These cycles are consistent, more or less, with the way things are with healthy humans who observe the natural norm of working days and sleeping nights. Thus we eat when hungry, this is followed by body assimilation and, upon completion, the body turns its energy to the elimination of wastes. Let’s have a brief look at the organs of elimination; The Lymphatic system ( adenoids, tonsils, appendix, spleen, nodes, vessels etc.. ) These chemicalize wastes in such a manner as to render them less toxic in preparation for expulsion. ( the lymphatic system also plays other roles ) Liver. The liver further detoxifies wastes. It is the largest organ and performs myriad nutritive and eliminative tasks. Kidneys. The renal system filters non-usable wastes from the blood and dispatches it to the bladder. ( The kidneys perform many other functions as well ) Lungs. The lungs, like most body organs, perform a dual role as supplier and eliminator. They get oxygen from the air and supply it to the bloodstream. In addition they remove carbon dioxide and certain other wastes from the bloodstream. Bowels and colon. The bowls perform few nutritive tasks other than supplying the body with water in emergencies, and electrolytes should the body require them. On the other hand it carries out of the body digestive and metabolic wastes. Skin. The skin is the most extensive organ of the human body. Amongst its many functions are protection of the body from the outside influences that would disturb homeostasis, temperature maintenance, cooling, warming and elimination of certain wastes in extremely small amounts. In vicarious eliminative processes such as acne, boils, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, poxes, itches, etc.. The skin is used as an organ of elimination. The skin performs a nutritive role in receiving sunlight for conversion into vitamin D. Tongue. The tongue is sometime used by the body as an extraordinary organ of elimination. This is very noticeable when we have a furred tongue. Organs used by the body as occasional eliminative organs ( in times of crisis ) are called vicarious organs of elimination. The tongue, skin, respiratory system and mucous membranes ( internal skin ) are pressed into eliminative tasks in emergencies. The body can cause ulcers and lesions for the purpose of elimination, or it may utilize ulcers caused by tissue destruction as an extraordinary outlet. In emergencies the body may press any tissue system or organ into service as a vicarious organ of elimination. These may be the eyes, sinusous, bronchioles, lungs etc.. So varied and multiple are the functions within a cell that one can spend a lifetime of fascinating study of them. It is said that their operations are more complicated than the most marvelous computer system- more varied than the activities in a major city like New York The cells take on supplies and they defecate. It is the lymphatic system, not the bloodstream that constantly bathes the cells in a liquid medium. From the lymph fluids the cells derive their nutrients by defusion, pinocystosis and phagocystosis. The cells pass their wastes back into the lymph. Cell wastes are particularly detoxified by the lymph organs in preparation for passing them into the bloodstream. The bloodstream, in turn, transports the wastes to the lungs, liver and kidneys for excretion. Cells are self-cleansing of their metabolic debris. The body keeps itself clean by thousands of different techniques employed by an army of faculties.. A hundred trillion cells represent quite a population to be served. It is an unimaginably large aggregation of living units cooperating as an entitative organism for the good of each and every cell and for the organism as a whole. Now that we understand better the overall eliminative system, lets bare in mind that health depends on internal purity, and this, in turn, depends on practices that promote health rather than practices that result in the retention of morbid matters. Until next week, The Crazy Nut Team

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