The Character of Disease (10 - 05 - 2001)

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The Character of Disease This is the third and last newsletter on the subject of " the purpose of disease " If you have just joined us, please feel free to e-mail and request some back copies of our newsletters. Let's now continue with this excellent article by T.C.Fry. The Character of disease When you ask a bacteriologist which came first, the soil or the bacteria, he will answer that the soil must exist first for bacteria to thrive, for bacteria are presented a deadly environment by living cells. So bacteria never exist in a proliferating state where there is no food or soil for their propagation. They multiply when there is feast, and they die off when there is famine or adverse environment, hence, bacteria no more create their food supply than flies cause garbage. The garbage must preexist the flies and, on the same order, the garbage or soil on which bacteria thrives in our bodies must preexist their presence and propagation. They do not cause the condition - they are there because of the condition. All cases of colds and flu recover very quickly if the sufferer does goes to bed in an airy room with lots of natural daylight. Almost total rest is called for. Total abstention from food but plenty of pure water is needed. Under these conditions debility ceases in from 1 to 3 days. But if the sufferer refuses to rest and continues to eat the same food that contributed to the crisis in the first place, the eliminative effort may be less than the continued toxic build up, in which case pneumonia may be a concomitant. But if the sufferer gets drugged by medicine, the body turns its attention to eliminating the drugs. It may stop the cold or flu altogether I face of the greater enemy. The continued toxic build up spreads to the lungs. The drugs and toxic materials may concentrate so strongly in the lungs as to cause death or to set the stage for cancer. Just as there is one universal cause of disease, there is one universal panacea. In mythology Asclepius had 2 daughters. Both were goddesses. One was the goddess of health and she was called Hygeia. The other daughter was Panacea . She was the goddess of healing. The name itself, in Greek, means all-healing or universal healing. While these goddesses are mythological, they do represent valid concepts. Panacea can be achieved by a return to natural practices. Fasting is the quickest way to invoke the universal panacea. Just as the universal disease is a toxic-laden body, the universal panacea is establishing the most ideal conditions under which the body can cleanse itself of the toxicity and repair the damage suffered. Fasting is the answer. Disease is not the opposite of health but an expression of healthy vitality while under the burden of toxicosis THE DISEASE IS THE CURE. DRUGS DO NOT ACT UPON THE BODY; THEY ARE ACTED UPON BY THE BODY!

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