Carotenoids etc. 1

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CAROTENOIDS; carotenoids are naturally occurring compounds that are abundant as pigments in plants. Between 500 and 600 specific carotenoids have been identified. Only a small number of carotenoids are found in human blood tissues. The major ones are beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin and lycopene. Certain carotenoids are precursors of Vit A and can be metabolically converted into Vit A in the body. Beta-carotene has the highest potential vit A activity. BIOFLAVONOIDS; flavonoids are crystalline compounds found in plants. Otherwise known as Vit P. 4000 flavonoids have been isolated so far. These substances are responsible for the deep color in berries, and are also found in the peel of citrus fruit as well as other fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, tea, coffee, cacao & wine. Most medicinal herbs owe their therapeutic qualities to flavonoid compounds. PYCNOGENOL; pycnogenol is a type of flavonoid ( see above ). Pycnogenol are particularly useful for the condition of bruising and circulatory disorders, including phlebitis and varicose veins.

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