This weeks feature - Bone Marrow

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Bone Marrow 28 - 11 - 2002

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Bone Marrow Hi everyone, I hope that you all had an enchanted week. Let's get on and conclude the episode on the body's capability of self-healing shall we? The last but certainly not the least organ of repair is. THE BONE MARROW Bone marrow is highly important as the source of the cells of the blood and other cells in the body's system. Development of blood cells within the bones commences during the 5th month of fetal life. Blood-forming elements appear initially in the centers of the bone marrow cavities; the blood-forming centers later expand to occupy the entire marrow space. This widely-dispensed blood cell formation continues until puberty, when the marrow in all the end of the long bones becomes less cellular and more fatty, giving rise to yellow bone marrow, in which most of the hematopoietic tissue has been replaced by fat. In the adult, only the red bone marrow, located principally in the skull, vertebrae, rib, sternum, and pelvis, retains hematopoietic activity. The total productive bone marrow in the adult is about 1.400 gm It is apparent that a most important part of the bodily repair mechanism is the production of cells-polymorphs, lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells. When bodily mechanisms break down, one of the commonest causes of impairment is failure to produce those cells. The failure may be due to drugs or poisons, to gross errors in diet, to destruction of the bone marrow by neoplasm, or to irradiation of the marrow. The way that the mechanism fails depends on what group of cells is most severely affected. If the precursors of neutrophil polymorphs are affected, then there is an acute shortage of cells able to phagocytose dead or decaying bacteria. Alternatively, the megakaryocytes may be damaged. These are the precursors of the blood platelets, the cells that play a vital part in blood clotting. In their absence, the blood will not clot and the individual may bleed to death. Such abnormalities only occur in an enervated and toxic body. From the above study of the roles of the cells and organs of repair, one can clearly see that the body is constantly at work to maintain homeostasis or ideal operating conditions. Even under some adverse conditions, these forces remain active. It is only after repeated abuse that the healing forces fail because they become overwhelmed and exhausted. Inflammation is a healing response. Whenever there is tissue damage as a result of injury, the damaged tissue cells produce histamine. These histamines cause changes in tiny blood vessels, which in turn release fluids into the injured area. Local blood flow increases, bringing special blood cells to the area. Along with these cells comes fibrinogen, which causes clotting. The clotting results in what is called "walling off' that is, nature literally builds a partition between the infected area and the rest of the body. The partition, or wall, stops body fluids from moving outside the infected area, and these fluids build up in the area, causing the characteristic swelling of inflammation. Before inflammation can arise, there must exist an exciting cause in the form of some obstruction or of some agent inimical to health and life. In this light we see inflammation as a healing process. The body does not suppress the growth and multiplication of bacteria until the morbid matter on which they subsist has been decomposed and consumed, and until the inflammatory processes have run their course through the 5 stages of inflammation 1- Incubation- morbid matter, poisons etc. collect 2- Aggravation- The phagocytes engulf toxins and is accompanied by a corresponding increase in fever and inflammation until it reaches its climax, marked by the greatest intensity of feverish symptoms. 3- Destruction- There is disintegration of tissues due to the accumulation of exudates due to pus formation and body development of abscesses, boils, open sores etc.. as exists for the toxic suppuration 4- Abatement- the absorption and elimination of exudates, pus etc.. takes place. It is accompanied by a gradual lowering of temperature. 5- Reconstruction- When the period of abatement has run its course and the affected area has been cleared of the morbid accumulation, the rebuilding of the injured part can commence One can only marvel at the wisdom of nature at work. Stay well, The Crazy Nut team P.S. If you have missed any of the previous articles and would like to read them, please visit our archives at

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