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Body Cycles 18 - 04 - 2002

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Body Cycles Warm greetings, As usual let's not waste time on frivolities and dive straight away into today's subject. Most people do not mind making sacrifices if they feel they will be rewarded eventually for those sacrifices. People seeking health decide to sacrifice their old comfortable diet patterns and habits from a desire to be rewarded by good health. Imagine their surprise when they discover that after improving their diet, they sometimes feel much worse (for a temporary period), they feel betrayed and disappointed. "Whey do I feel so terrible when I am trying to do all the right things?" is a common complaint. Why should the recovery of health and the improvement of the diet cause unpleasant symptoms? Why shouldn't we be rewarded with immediate good health and radiant well- being as soon as we change our "evil ways?" Unfortunately, good health is not immediate- but then again, neither did poor health occur immediately. Think about this, didn't we feel healthy and free from pain when we where young children? Have you noticed how small children have an endless supply of energy and are oblivious to physical discomfort, such as cold, that would make an adult suffer? Now look at some of our older citizens. Some of them are so crippled with arthritis they can hardly move. Every day is the discovery of some new pain or some developing crisis in the body. Poor health and illness is progressive; it does not occur overnight. Good health and well-being is also progressive; it may take weeks, months or years. To understand this a little more, let's look at how the body does its work in cycles. Like all aspects of nature, the body has its own individual cycles. There are biological rhythms within the body that dictate periods of tissue repair, tissue growth, waste elimination, etc.. We cannot rush the body through its cycles, nor can we expect it to progress in a linear fashion as if racing to a specific goal. Healing occurs in cycles. Some days the body has a high-energy level and it rebuilds damaged tissues. On such days we may feel great. On other days, the body must do its housecleaning and remove accumulated wastes. When this happens, we may experience low levels of energy or even depression. Most people lead a lifestyle and follow a diet that inhibit the body in it's cycle work. For instance, when the body is trying to clean house via a cold, people become impatient. They try to suppress the cleaning cycles with drugs or food and the body must sometimes abandon its efforts. The body behaves in a sort of up and down motion as it conducts its healing process. One day it may cleanse heavily and we feel rotten. The next day, the toxins have been removed and we feel great. We feel so great, in fact, that the body decides to dig a little deeper and remove some of the older toxins, and then we feel worse. This is a continuing cycle in the process of healing, but do not despair: Once a certain level of health has been reached, we do not notice the cycles as much and they cause progressively less discomfort. Why does the body go through those cycles? How does it know what to do next to promote our healthful recovery? And, still, why do we have to feel bad as we get well? Those questions will be answered next week. Meanwhile, stay on your healthful diet, even if you do have some off days, the effort is definitely worth while! See you same time, same place next week.

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